Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Today Osama Bin Laden was shot dead by US soldiers ten years after the 9/11 attack on the World trade centre. The Americans finally got their vengeance and feel some sense of Justice was served today when body of the leader of Al Qaeda was identified and confirmed dead.

What shocked me most about this news story was not the death of Osama bin Laden but the reaction that it got worldwide. I was watching Australian television, where the prime minister welcomed the news and congratulated America on a successful job. The Americans poured onto the streets, chanting USA, USA!! It strikes me as strange that the death of a man, EVEN if its Osama Bin Laden brings so much rejoicing around the globe. A sad day in our history I think. Reading some of the news reports from Washington, I was sickened by the arrogance and pride of some blood thirsty people, seeing today as a good reason to drink champagne and parade the streets celebrating how great a nation America is. One person interviewed had this to say....
'This is a tremendous moment, and hopefully it will bring us together, it doesn't matter if you're Muslim or Christian or whatever,' said firefighter Patrice McLeod. 'We'll never give up.'

'We'll never give up', and lets party on for America's great victory seems to be the general feeling outside Washington, and worldwide today. Well I certainly for one won't be joining in on the celebrations but will remember May 2nd as the day we shamed ourselves and rejoiced over a life lost.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coffee Van

Coffee Van is one of our main evangelism ministries here on the Gold Coast. We take a van every Thursday and Saturday down to the city and set up a table on the street. We offer free tea's/coffees and food to anyone who passes by. Its a wonderful tool for meeting people in our community and engaging in good conversations. The aim of course is to be the light of Christ in our community and seek opportunity to tell people about Jesus.

Saturday's coffee van is located next to the beach and so we meet a lot of tourists and holiday makers and the atmosphere is very upbeat and lively. This is in stark contrast to what happens on Thursday night, as we set up in a different location where a lot of people are homeless, hopeless and in great need of love. On Thursdays we meet a lot of Alcoholics, drug addicts, people living on the streets, unemployed people and people whose family lives have fallen apart. Very often we find our conversations on a Thursday night tend to go a lot deeper as these people are really seeking comfort and are desperate for a better life.

Its very easy to let yourself get effected by the sad stories of these broken people and in recent weeks I have found that the enemy has attacked me by listening to these stories. Instead of thanking Jesus for the hope that we have in him, I have allowed doubt creep in and wondered why God seems to be so distant. Its very important for me in these times to hold strong to my faith and declare truth even if I don't feel it. Walking in the opposite spirit is something I need to do a lot at coffee van. Very often we see God move in exciting ways when we feel low and chose to walk in the Spirit.

Yesterday I met a gentleman named Stuart and his story was so positive that I came home so encouraged and thanked God for sending him my way. He was an alcoholic and in a desperate situation. He went to the church feeding programme and to AA meetings and he is now 12 years sober. His life has totally changed and he still goes to AA meetings and the feeding programme but he is oozing with joy and has so much peace in his life. I dont know if he has made a full commitment to Christ but says he does pray and his faith is important. Please pray for Stuart. He is a really nice guy and I was so blessed to share a coffee with him yesterday.

One of our team got baptized in the Holy Spirit yesterday and started healing people at coffee van so it was a bit of a crazy evening. Thats a whole other story but please continue to pray for the coffee van ministry that runs here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Does the Holy Spirit convict us of sins?

Did you ever hear these words preached in church, "When we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin". Ive heard that preached before and let me tell you, its one of the biggest lies of the devil. The Holy spirit does not convict us of sin, but rather he convicts us of the righteousness we received by grace.

Making this distinction is very important. In John chapter 16v7 we read that the Holy Spirit is our Advocate. In the Greek this word is Paraclete and simply translates as "counselor" or "helper". When we sin, he doesn't whisper in our ear that we messed up, but rather he says there is more grace available to us. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8) and so the Holy Spirit cannot possibly convict us of sin! He is not the accuser, he's the helper. The devil is the one who reminds us of our sin and we say its the Holy Spirit!! This is crazy talk. Lets be very careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit by confusing his voice with that of the devil!! He is for us, not against us and when we sin he wants to say "you are a child of God, who is made righteous by the gift of Gods grace". That should encourage us to walk and grow in grace and help us to live a life of righteousness. Where sin abounds, grace super-abounds (Romans 5:20). I'm so glad that there is grace and an advocate who helps me in my strengths and weaknesses.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mercy and Grace

Mercy is when you don't get what you deserve. Grace is when you get more than you deserve.

You know very often we use words like Gods Grace and mercy loosely and without giving the words much thought, as if they were the same thing. These words on closer inspection take on two very different meanings.

I am a sinner and deserve to die but God showed me mercy by forgiving me of my sins. However it doesn't stop there and this is the incredible thing about Grace. He also gives us much more! Psalm 23 says " cup runneth over". We don't just get pardon for sins but we also receive blessing way beyond what we deserve. That is what grace is.

It is very possible to live in Gods mercy and yet not live in the fullness of his grace. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 12 says "see to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many". God wants to show us more of his grace and it increases every day of our lives. I can say that today I have experienced more of Gods grace than I did any other day of my life. The reason I can say this is because we grow in grace and knowledge. It says so in 2 Peter 3:18.

So how to we grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord? Well the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and so I suggest we start to pray for wisdom. Prov 8:35 says "whoever finds me (wisdom) finds life and receives favor (grace) from the Lord".

Next weeks lectures cover the topic 'Fear of the Lord' so yippee this is all well timed. God is good.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oz Death!

So I arrived back from Oz Quest on Wednesday evening and man what a crazy few days it was! A little background to what Oz Quest is and why its on the Discipleship Training school programme.

Its a three day adventure/torture trip where you are supposed to be physically/mentally/psychologically/emotionally/spiritually/sexually challenged. Ok not sexually but all the other ones! We left on Sunday evening and as Bear Grylls would say, it was relentless!!

We spend three days living in the wild in some forest and had to undertake a number of tasks. As a reward we could win money to buy our daily food. If we didn't win money, we had to go without eating. This was the biggest challenge for me because after a 22km hike with a backpack on back up mountainous terrain, I needed to eat. All we were able to get was half a tin of tuna. The people running Oz quest are supposed to treat you horribly throughout the duration of the trip and so its easy to get frustrated. We do daily punishments for lots of different things like being late or if at any time we leave our team members. Any distance more than 2 metres counts as leaving your team. You do all your toilet business with your team members and there is no toilets to use. We had quite a few interesting toilet stories over the three days.

We were awoken during the night after only 1.5 hours sleep to go on a hike and then back to bed for 3-4 more hours and then up again for punishment! It was exhausting and physically draining.

Quite a few members of the team were physically sick throughout. A few suffered dehydration, others collapsed from exhaustion, and others vomited the three days straight, such was the level of intensity. I had a bit of a fever the first night but was ok the next day and generally loved the whole experience.

For a few challenges we were put on the spot and given 5 minutes to prepare a 15 minute sermon and then deliver it to the rest of the group. I quite enjoyed this and when we go on outreach some tribes will expect us to preach on the spot so it was good practice.

So what was the point?

Well I guess, when you spend a few days living in close quarters with a team and learn each others strengths and weaknesses, you grow closer and have a greater understanding of what makes people react the way they do. We had a few arguments, a few tears and very little sleep but once it was all over, we knew each other so well.

We will be going on outreach to Cambodia in a little less than 2 months time. We will never experience anything as tough as oz quest during that time but some things will be the same and so we need to be prepared. We also learned how to deal with our frustrations and how to help each other along when people are struggling. I cant wait to go on outreach with my team. I love the different characteristics and strengths that people will bring to the team.

I really enjoyed my Oz quest challenge and would love the opportunity to do it again sometime, but right now Im just eager to get to Cambodia!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ok so the weekend has finally arrived and Im exhausted!! Our week runs from Tuesday to Saturday and so Sunday is really the day of rest. This morning I will be checking out a new church called Metro. Its a large church filled with mostly young people and as the name suggests and from what Im told, a very Metro-sexual gathering of people. Unfortunately none of my clothing will fit the bill so Ill have to go out and invest in a bright pink fluorescent shirt if I want to go back there after today.

This week was very good although the early part was a bit of a struggle for me. Last weekend was a scorcher and we went spear fishing. My pasty Irish skin could not take the extreme heat and I ended up very badly burnt. In fact I think I had second degree burns. I was told this by one of the staff who seemed to know what she was talking about. It was pretty disgusting actually because my skin all started to bubble and I looked like some sort of mutant. Anyway its not too bad anymore, just a few scars on my arms and hopefully they will soon disappear.

We do outreach in Surfers every Saturday and yesterday was beach volleyball. So we rounded up some Japanese students that were close by and spent a couple of hours playing, getting to know them and sharing our faith. They were lovely and they might even come by again next week. Last night we all went for a coffee and I met some new people, a Liverpool fan in fact. We had a bit of a slag and then talked about where we could watch the big game on Sunday....

On tuesday we leave for Byron Bay. It will be a full week of lectures and other activities but should also be a great opportunity to meet some new folk. Three other DTS bases will all be there too so I am excited about that.

Anyway no other updates but be sure to keep me posted on any news from home, like if Enda Kenny has burned the country to the ground yet, if Galway beat Cork or the Bank of Ireland executives get a change of heart and donate all their bonuses to charity. You see, I do read news occasionally!

You stay Classy, Ireland!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does God really want to give me what I desire?

"Seek first his Kingdom and his Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matt 6:33)

God wants to give me good gifts. I always when reading this verse read it wrong. I focus all my attention on the first part, the "seeking the kingdom and his righteousness" part and I guess I don't fully understand the "all these things part".

Do you ever feel that you should always be praying about the kingdom of God and his will and your being selfish when you pray about things you want? I certainly think that way but guess what, if we don't ask for things we want, we won't receive!

Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" He wants to give us our desires, if we first put our trust and faith in Him. I always thought that this meant, the closer we get to know Gods character and nature (seeking him first) then His desires become our desires. Man, how wrong was I!! His desires are actually my desires now. He has put them there in the first place. This was so freeing when I received this revelation. I don't have to change my desires to appreciate his desires and slowly grow to love them. His desires and my desires are the exact same!!

How do we get these desires? Well God can't wait to give them to us because he loves giving good gifts so if we seek him out and his righteousness and make them our number 1 goal, well then all the rest he will grant us. In Matthew Jesus says "Oh you of little faith" just before the above passage and in Psalm 37 David tells us to "Trust in the Lord". I wonder does having faith and trusting have anything to do with receiving good gifts from God? Me thinks so!!

Man its so exciting. So can I encourage you readers to surrender every area of your life to him. Trust and have faith that he will bless you and grant you all your hearts desires.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Joke (this might get me in a bit of trouble)

Sandra was feeling a little down in herself lately. Every time she gazed into the mirror all she saw staring back at her was a middle-aged, wrinkled woman she barely recognized whose face and figure were both starting to droop. She was quite depressed and on one occasion while gazing gloomily into her reflection she turned to her husband and said, "Billy, I'm fat, my face is wrinkled and I feel so old. Please tell me something good about myself" Billy pauses and thinks for a moment..... "Well at least you have 20-20 vision!"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The puzzle has started coming together

Today I experienced God in a way that was so much more impactful than any way I have ever experienced him before, and let me tell you He is just awesome! I am so stoked for what he is doing in my life and he is starting to grant me my hearts deepest desires.

Psalm 37 says that we need to trust in the Lord and do good. God has been challenging me big time in areas of my life where I don't trust him completely. One area is in relationships and with dating. Every Christian mans longing is to meet their spouse and form a bond through Godly relationship. We feel that if we're not dating that God will somehow forget about us and we will somehow get left to walk the single life for the rest of our days and so we help God along in this area. We flirt with girls/spend time with them/and date them even if that is not what God has designed us to do. Why do we date at all? God certainly didn't ordain the dating game. God has been speaking to me this last week about giving this area of my life over to him and to trust completely that he has something greater in store.

A second area God has been challenging me on trusting has been through my finances. I thought that giving up my job was enough to show that I was trusting God in this area but I was wrong.

In 1 Kings 18 we read the story about Elijah and the prophets of Baal. In the story they both build a sacrifice and pray to their Gods to consume the sacrifice with fire. The prophets of Baal all gather around and pray to their God and dance around and cut themselves but their God does not answer them. Elijah before calling on God orders that the sacrifice be soaked in water which if you ask me, is pretty counter productive when you want to make fire! Then he calls on the Lord and fire comes down from heaven consuming the sacrifice and drying up the water surrounding. God spoke to me this week through this story. I feel that leaving my job and having no real steady income was just preparing the sacrifice, when Gods words to me were... "Paul, I want you to soak the sacrifice"

He wants to stretch me further in the area of finances and become more dependent on Him. He wants me to get to a place where I'm not just surviving comfortably but rather a place where I am on my knees and trusting that he will provide for me for just that day.

Anyway the psalm of David has taken on a whole new light for me because as I continue to be challenged to trust more and to give things over to the Lord, my hearts desires are starting to be fulfilled. Its so exciting!!

One year ago, God placed it on my heart to fund raise for children in Cambodia and even though at the time I didn't spend any time prayerfully considering this, I did it anyway. Don't ask me why it was Cambodia, but it was. Since then my brother has been in Cambodia and other news stories from there have sort of grabbed my attention. I don't know why God has been putting Cambodia on my heart but he just has. Today God has granted some of my hearts desires.

He is sending me to Cambodia to do outreach in that nation. I received the news this afternoon in a letter and I just wanted to cry because for me it was such a revelation from God. He confirmed through this news that his hand is very much over my life and that if I just trust him and allow him to reveal himself, he has more exciting things to show me and more blessings to pour out. I'm so excited that I will be in Cambodia in two and a half months time. Man, God is just incredible.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My women problems!

Well its Tuesday and I started one of my new duties today on base camp. Shopping! Yes ladies, the way I am to serve the Lord, my fellow students and staff is by hitting the shops. Now, I know all you guys out there are thinking that I got it easy out here, but let me stop you and correct your thinking. Shopping is a nightmare! Its so stressful and I certainly have a new found respect for my mother through this experience.

How did I get landed with this job you may be wondering? Well, I am one of only two students on camp who is eligible to drive the Ywam van and since they drive on the left hand side of the road here (same as back home) it just made good sense to ask me to do it. Also, most students are young and back home live under their parents roof and so have very little experience of fending for themselves. Of course when this was explained to me, I just played along and acted like I knew what they were talking about. I do Grocery shopping... sometimes!

Anyway here is the problem. There are three different houses of students who I need to buy meals for. Each person only gets a budget of 4.50 for their breakfast. 7 guys to one house, 2 girls to another and 1 girl in the last house.

The lady living on her own only gets 4.50 in total and a box of cereal costs about 5-6 dollars! Already over budget. Now luckily I can compensate with the lads house budget and the guys dont mind. Guys are fairly easy going anyway.

The second problem is trying to buy groceries for girls. So it turns out that girls dont eat cereal in the mornings! They prefer yogurts and fruit. Thats just the beginning when it comes to womens eating habits in the mornings. So what do you do when you get to the fridges and try select a milk for cereals etc.?

Simple- you reach in for a few litres of full fat milk....if your shopping for the guys. Men really are easy going and dont fuss over what kind of milk they are drinking. Not so simple for the ladies though!

Ok so most girls dont drink full fat milk and much rather skimmed or low fat milk. However if I buy full fat milk for the guys and bring back skimmed milk for the girls, the girls get quickly insulted and instantly assume that I thought they were overweight and needed to shed those few extra pounds so they can squeeze into their summer swim-wear. The strange thing is that they wanted the skimmed milk the whole time!!! Go figure? Women are a strange beast....

If I dont get much spiritual value from my Dts, I will at least understand a little more about the complexities of women.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A short story

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Col 3 v 23)

Billy was a young keen football fan. He was 12 years of age and was part of the under 13's West United football team. He was very slight in stature and although being 12 years of age he could quite easily be mistaken for a 10 year old. Every week Billy without fail would show up to soccer practice. He was the most committed member of the team and even when it rained/hailed/or snowed Billy was there with his striped top and socks pulled up above his knees. Other players often didn't show up when the weather was poor and didn't show the same level of commitment that Billy showed.

Every Saturday West United would play a competitive game against another local side. Billy was not much good at football and never made the starting team. This set back didn't however effect Billy's attitude and his commitment. He continued to come and sit on the bench, week in - week out. His father would come and sit in the stands as billy would sit on the bench. Billy never played a single game.

One day the trainer of the club received a phone call from a neighbour to say that Billy's father had been brought to intensive care after suffering a heart attack. He could tell by the tone of his neighbours voice that it was very serious. The following day, on the 12th of February, Billy's father passed away. At the funeral the church was packed out and some of the soccer team showed up to pay their respects. Billy was in floods of tears and he bravely placed a soccer badge on the coffin of his deceased father.

Next weeks local soccer game was against Uniteds biggest rivals and possibly the most significant game of the season. All the guys were sitting around the dressing room, nervously lacing their boots and eager to get out on the field. There was a space by the locker where Billy usually sat and despite the excitement of competing in this big game, there was also a somewhat somber mood in the dressing room. With just 15 minutes to kick off no-one expected what happened next. Billy arrived at the dressing room door. He apologized for being a little late and the response he got was one of dead silence. Only a week ago his father, who had come to all the games had died and never seen him play and now Billy shows up to play. The coaches were stunned and talked amongst each other. They couldn't possibly make Billy sit on the bench again! However this was such a big game and lets face it, Billy is not very good at football. Finally they look to Billy and say, "Billy we want you to play, right side of midfield". Billy's face lights up and he quickly gets changed and ready to go.

The game kicks off and Billy looks to the empty seat in the stand where his father once sat. The coaches wonder if Billy is focused on the game or struggling with his loss. The ball falls to the feet of Billy and he takes off. He goes by one, slips the ball through the feet of a second defender and drives the ball towards the goal. The keeper stumbles and the ball crashes into the back of the net. GOAL!!! Billy puts the side a goal up and the place erupts. No-one can quite believe that this scrawny guy who never played a single game before this, has just scored the opening goal. The game continues and Billy is playing incredibly well. He finishes the game, scoring a hattrick and when the final whistle blows his team mates lift him up above their heads. He is overcome with joy and is awarded with the man of the match trophy.

His coaches cannot comprehend how this little boy could put in such a big performance and not be effected by the loss of his father. Coach Reilly says to Billy, "Son, this is the first time you have played and the only time your father wasn't here to see you. How could you still play so well?"

Billy looked at his coach and said "sir my father was blind. He didn't come here every week to see me play. He came to show me support. He would not have been able to see me play last week or the week before that, but you know what.... today he saw me play".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feeling Condemned?

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you[a] free from the law of sin and death."

This verse written by Paul to the Romans, was the first verse read out by my DTS staff leader when I arrived here. I can tell you that I have read this verse numerous times and heard it spoken in church on many occasion but it was only this week that it really started to penetrate into the deepest part of my being. When reading this verse before I took great comfort in the words because I knew I was a wretched sinner, yet if I'm to be completely honest I still didn't fully believe it in my heart. I like Paul battle with sin and I'm reminded of the passage in Romans 7 where he talks about his struggles with the law and sin.

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it."

Since arriving here God has really begun to deal with things in my life. A church leader gave me some great advice before I left Ireland and it was to just be available and open to what God has in store for me. In doing this I had to allow God to deal with the past junk in my life and allow for healing. Well I can say with great joy that this process has already begun and when I had an opportunity to share my testimony yesterday, I was able to open up about the guilt and shame I felt over the way I was living. My fellow staff and students were able to gather around and pray for me. They prayed that I would know guilt and shame is an attack from the devil and that because of Christs wonderful gracious sacrifice, I have been completely cleaned. A new slate!

So this of course doesn't mean since its in my past that I don't have struggles anymore. Im a long way off but the guilt is gone and I can begin to really live in newness of life.

Paul writes to the church in Colossae about replacing the old rotten sinful ways by clothing ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Theres also a whole lot more there but I think ill try starting with this list!

Guys and girls back home, I know that you are supporting me in prayer and perhaps the above list is something that you could be praying over my life. I want to be able to live and show these fruits of the spirit in my day to day dealings.

Until next time, peace!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Very quick update

Hi everyone,

So Im on my third day here in Brisbane and this morning the sun is out and its going to get hot, hot, hot!! This is not welcome news as my shoulders are still a nice shade of pink after yesterday, which was the most overcast day in a good while too. The sun never popped out and so I reckon Im pretty goosed today! :(

Anyway, today myself and Johnny are going for a long walk to a beach that Johnny likes. Its his day off so thankfully we get a chance to spend the full day together. Up to now I have been walking aimlessly through the city by myself and soaking in the pool/hot tub..

I still cant get over the high prices here. Its crazy expensive! Your easily looking at 5 dollars for a coffee. Myself and Johnny went for a drink last night and one drink each cost 30 dollars!!!

Im heading down the gold coast this evening to get settled in the YWAM base. Im looking forward to that as Ive been bunking in a hostel and its not the most ideal living quarters.

Anyway thats just a very rushed update on whats been happening so far. Once I start to get settled in Surfers, ill let you all know how Im doing.

Please continue to keep me in your prayers, especially as I begin my Ywam work.

On a totally unrelated yet majorly important note. United play City tonight and its going to be a real nail-biter! COME ON YOU REDS!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Back in Business

Hi Folks,

So I decided to dust off the cobwebs from the pages of my blog and start a fresh. New years resolutions coming late and all that jazz! I will be using pressing forward as a way of communicating with family and friends from home while I am away. Sort of a way of sharing my thoughts and feelings during my escapedes, (but in an incredibly manly way of course!!)

So this is the beginning of a new chapter in my life and although feeling a mixture of apprehension and excitement, I know that God has a plan and he will see it through to completion.

Amidst so much uncertainty in the world, it is wonderful to be able to fully trust in the Lord. I know that the Lord is faithful and I cant wait to see what he has in store for me over the next 7 months.

A few prayer points while Im away:

-First of all for safe travel getting to Brisbane
-That I will learn to hear and respond more readily to the voice of God
-Learn real Godly love for others.

Thats enough for the moment but that list is going to grow over the course of my trip. So get praying people, I do appreciate it :)