Sunday, April 10, 2011

Does the Holy Spirit convict us of sins?

Did you ever hear these words preached in church, "When we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin". Ive heard that preached before and let me tell you, its one of the biggest lies of the devil. The Holy spirit does not convict us of sin, but rather he convicts us of the righteousness we received by grace.

Making this distinction is very important. In John chapter 16v7 we read that the Holy Spirit is our Advocate. In the Greek this word is Paraclete and simply translates as "counselor" or "helper". When we sin, he doesn't whisper in our ear that we messed up, but rather he says there is more grace available to us. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Romans 8) and so the Holy Spirit cannot possibly convict us of sin! He is not the accuser, he's the helper. The devil is the one who reminds us of our sin and we say its the Holy Spirit!! This is crazy talk. Lets be very careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit by confusing his voice with that of the devil!! He is for us, not against us and when we sin he wants to say "you are a child of God, who is made righteous by the gift of Gods grace". That should encourage us to walk and grow in grace and help us to live a life of righteousness. Where sin abounds, grace super-abounds (Romans 5:20). I'm so glad that there is grace and an advocate who helps me in my strengths and weaknesses.

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