Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whats that all about?

Today's the day! I have finally decided to get a little bit more personal with all my adorning fans and to share a few of my thoughts and feelings on life/liberty/love and stuff! Yes that's right, Paul now has a blog. A fairly sad looking blog right now, but a blog none-the-less. The title of this blog is 'Pressing Forward'. Right about now, I hear a few of you saying....... what is that all about? Well allow me to explain. It is paraphrased from a verse in Philippians 3:12, which happens to be one of my favourite scriptural verses. This was a verse I read in my local church on the day I was baptized. It says.... "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Paul's words were encouraging and necessary for the church in Philippi and they are also of utmost importance for me today in my devotions. The goal for me is to know Jesus Christ and that is what I am pressing towards....

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