Past experience of success, is no guarantee for the future!!
Do I believe this? Do you believe this? I say 'you' to make it sound like people actually read my blog!! This statement was made during my Hebrews class by my teacher, Dr. Arden Autry. Of course he wasn't thinking football when he said these words.... but I admittedly was. You see while the second part of my two part class on Hebrews and general epistles was about to start, Manchester United and Manchester City were also about to begin a two part series, which judging by their last meeting could indeed prove to be a titanic battle. For me, to miss this encounter definitely took some Devine intervention. Anyway my rewards are in Heaven and there are times when we will suffer for Christs name etc etc..... I guess the outcome of the match just enforces the point of this blog.
United are a big club, in fact in the last decade they have been the biggest club worldwide. Now I hear you sceptics and 'A.B.U.'S' say... "What about Madrid? Barca? etc.." and I say to you "Ah go 'way with that rubbish!!," United is a club with a long History, and in recent times particularly, a very successful History. This History makes the club Mighty and an unstoppable force!
Dr. Autry was discussing a different situation of course. He was referring to a passage in Psalm 95. This psalm is a reminder to Israel, that their fore Fathers had put God to the test and had gone astray in their hearts and therefore, they did not enter Gods rest. This was the same generation that had crossed the Red sea on dry land, had experienced Gods great provision by receiving water and Manna from Heaven and witnessed many other marvels and wonders. Regardless of all the success they had experienced in the past, they still did not enter the promised land. They had a perfect promise, but not a perfect fulfillment!
So, although I would argue the point, that Uniteds History of success would make them a strong outfit in the future. Sadly the reality is different and I would have to concede that they are not an unstoppable force and the future success of the club is most uncertain. (Of course it is certain to go into liquidation under the ownership of Glazier. For the good of the club, Get Him Out!!) There is nothing that this world can offer us, that is everlasting. Christ is faithful over Gods house as a Son and we are his house, if we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope. This we can be certain of. Amen
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