I have recently been following sermons by Paster Charles Price online and last weeks was dealing with the will of God. He (Charles) says how he was once approached by a student who asked the question, a question which I often wonder about........ "What is Gods will for my life?"
Charles continues to say how this is a good question but perhaps not the best question. What we should be asking is "What is Gods will?".
This is a very different question as it takes the focus away from ourselves and is focusing on God. It focuses on Gods agenda in the world and to be a part of Gods agenda is the greatest privilege for us as his people. Jesus gave himself totally to Gods agenda and if we are to be like Christ, well then we need to focus on what Gods agenda is.
Gods will may not always be our own will and so we may suffer for Gods greater agenda but God has a wonderful plan for the world. There may be a cost for us individually! We must be careful not to desire Gods will, from a selfish perspective, where we say "what is your will?" and then decide if we want to go along with it or not.
Before we look at Gods personal will for our lives we should focus on his general will for everyone. Charles points to the following verses listed below which look at Gods general will.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:3= You should be sanctified or holy...... the context here is to do with sexual immorality.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:18= Give thanks in all circumstances
- 1 Peter 2:13-15= Submit yourselves to those in authority..... this may mean our boss or our political leaders.
- 1 Peter 4:19= Suffer according to Gods will
If we disrespect the general will of God we then begin to lose touch with the personal will of God.
Once we are living these things in our lives then we can discover what Gods personal will is for our lives. When we think something is Gods will for our lives we may need to ask the following questions:
- What do my inner convictions say in a situation?
- What does the scripture say?
- What do my circumstance say?
- What do my mature Christian friends say?....... advice
- Where does the compass of our hearts seem to point?
What we need to pray is that Gods will is done, not our own will, and that he will direct our paths.
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