Have you ever felt like one week you were so close to God, that you could feel His presence in every little thing, whether it be in dealing with colleagues, enjoying his creation or reading a book in the quiet of your bedroom?
I have, and they are wonderful times of uplifting and appreciation for all that God has done in my life. However, I sometimes can have a completely contrasting week, where I feel like I couldn't be more distant from Him.
Unfortunately, for some of us Christian people, we are only as enthusiastic as the strength of the memory of our last experience of God. There are indeed times in our walk when we may not feel like living for Christ, and may not sense his presence. I have started to read another book recently by R.C. Sproul entitled 'A walk with God' and in this book he makes the following statement..... "Even if you never experienced another blessing from God or sensed his presence again as long as you lived, you would have no justification to do anything but live each day in praise." .......You see we could do nothing but be thankful to Him for everything he has already done for us. Before the time of Jesus, there had been 400 years where Israel had not heard from God through a prophet. 400 years of silence. I'm sure some people could have forgotten the promises of God and felt like I do sometimes,..... Spiritually Dry! Thank God its not all about how I feel on a particular day of the week. What is important, is that God did not forget his promise. When God makes a promise, He keeps it. So he deserves all our praises.